
Manage your expenses, Budgets, Finance

Last week I am searching for some website with which I can track my expenses or manage my budgets.
But didn't know what to exactly search so, I wasted lot of time to find sites.
then finally, I found sites
again got confused which one is better?
I hadn't got information on this so, decided to give information to people with same need.

I found lot of sites, which I have categorized in

1.Manage your online accounts (Savings, Credit Card account, Loan account)

2.Manage your expenses (budget)

3.Support for both Online accounts and budgets

Category 1:
Here you can add your online accounts.
Website will use secure connection to download data from your account.
User friendly

Website contains Widgets to display details such as account balance,bills

Website will provide the Addin for firefox for uploading the account details.
Supports social networking

Category 2:
1.Bill Manager
Monthly calendar GUI.
Support for Pending bills.(Reminders)

Category 3:
Conjusted GUI.
Supports Social Networking
You can view cashflow

User Friendly
Money Tracking
Multiple accounts

Provides Firefox addin to view the details
User Friendly
Multiple Budgets

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for including BudgetPulse in your list. All the tools you mentioned are great resources and can provide a lot of help for users looking to track their finances. BudgetPulse has a complete site redesign coming out very soon that will visually enhance and allow for easier navigation, as well as have improved functionality. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to learn more.
